Coronavirus Updates

Keeping Kids Safe.

The safety of our campers and staff is a top priority, and this includes doing all we can to prevent in the introduction or spread of Coronavirus. We follow the current recommendations applicable to child care and outdoor activities. Please bookmark this page for reference throughout the summer as our procedures may update at any time. Any person visiting Carson Simpson Farm will need to follow all of our Coronavirus procedures for safety.



A healthy site experience begins at home. All guests should arrive healthy to camp. Guests should be clear of symptoms for 14 days prior to arriving at Carson Simpson. Higher risk guests should consider not attending during the COVID-19 Pandemic. If you choose to attend, you should take every precaution to keep yourself and the members of your group safe. Carson Simpson reserves the right to not admit individuals that appear unhealthy. Carson Simpson is not providing healthcare for Guest Groups. Please bring your own first aid supplies including a touchless thermometer. Our staff is CPR certified and will provide emergency care until emergency services arrive.


  • Waiver: Each attendee 18 and over must sign a waiver. All those under 18 must have a parent sign a waiver on-site.

  • Temperature Check: Please check your temperature prior to coming to Carson Simpson Farm. If your temperature is 100.3 or higher, please do not come on site.

  • Pre-Screening for Overnight Groups: Please require all guests to complete the Pre- Screening Health Form.

  • Ongoing Screening: Group leaders should monitor their entire group daily for symptoms of COVID-19

Preventing the Spread

  • Supplies: Carson Simpson will provide hand soap at all sinks. A limited amount of hand sanitizer will be stationed around camp. Guests must provide their own personal protective equipment. (masks, gloves, etc.) Carson Simpson will also provide cleaning supplies.

  • Clean Hand Hygiene: COVID-19 can pass person-to-person through physical contact. An individual’s hands are one of the most contacted points and should be consistently cleaned to lower the spread of disease. All guests are encouraged to wash their hands regularly with soap and water.

  • Masks: Masks must be worn outside when you are not able to socially distance from others. Mask must be worn inside when you are with those that do not live in your household. Follow state guidelines.

Social/Physical Distancing

Social and physical distancing procedures should be implemented into all activities.

Activities should be held outside when possible.

Wash your hands before and after use of program equipment. Program Equipment will be sanitized each day.

Cleaning & Disinfection

Carson Simpson's cleaning and disinfection guidelines, before guest arrival and after the departure of each rental group, remains at a high level following CDC and ACA guidelines.

Carson Simpson will clean and disinfect communal spaces and frequently touched surfaces at least daily.

Food Service Operations

Hand-washing stations are located in the dining hall.

Tables will be spaced 6 feet apart.

Masks must be worn at the dining hall complex until guests are seated at their table.

Groups are encouraged to disinfect touched areas in the Dining hall complex following each meal.

Guest Groups will provide their own food and will be responsible for sanitizing and disinfecting the dining room and kitchen during their stay.

Guest groups are encouraged to eat outside where applicable.

Guest groups are encouraged to socially distance throughout meal time.

*More information to be added as camp guidelines change in 2021.